Our paper “Joint Cross Layer Radio Downlink Beamforming and RIS configuration via Deep Reinforcement Learning in RIS-aided MISO Video Communications” has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking.
Our paper “Joint Content Caching and Request Routing for User-Centric Many-Objective Metaverse Services” has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering.
Our paper “A survey on the state-of-the-art CDN architectures and future directions” has been accepted by Journal of Network and Computer Applications.
Our paper “Multi-Agent DRL-Controlled Connected and Automated Vehicles in Mixed Traffic With Time Delays” has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
Our paper “User-Centric Joint Physical and Network Layers Design for STARS-Assisted Multi-Cellular Edge Caching” has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
Our paper “Joint Task Offloading and Content Caching for NOMA-Aided Cloud-Edge-Terminal Cooperation Networks” has been published by IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
As the keynote speaker and TPC chair of International Conference on Signal Processing, Computer Networks and Communications (SPCNC), Sanya China, 2024.12.22-12.24.
As the program committee of International Conference on Cyberspace Simulation and Evaluation (CSE), Shenzhen China, 2024.11.26-11.28.
As the workshop chair, best paper prize winner and TPC of International Conference on Networks, Communications and Intelligent Computing (ICNCIC), Beijing China, 2024.11.22-11.25.
As the invited speaker, best paper prize winner and track chair of International Conference on Communication Software and Networks (ICCSN), Ningbo, China, 2024.10.18-10.20.
As the invited speaker, best paper prize winner and workshop chair of IEEE International Conference on Frontiers of Electronics, Information and Computation Technologies (IEEE ICFEICT), Beijing, China, 2024.6.22-6.24.
As the invited speaker of Information Communications Technologies Conference (ICTC), Nanjing, China, 2024.5.10-5.12.
The paper “Green Task Offloading in Computing STAR-RIS-Aided Wireless Networks” has been published at IEEE WCNC.
The paper “Caching-at-STARS: the Next Generation Edge Caching” has been published by IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
Leading editor of special issue “Asymmetrical Network Control for Complex Dynamic Services” of the journal Sensors.